Retrospective Exhibition: Hong Kong (Part 2)
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Design concept
展覽的第一部在西營盤的A Nice Place To舉行,經過地面的店舖行上一層樓梯後,就見到整個呈長方形的場地。「香港館」的建築模型置於中間,其餘的展品掛在兩邊的牆和窗,盡頭則投放短片。前方的橫樑貼上「香港展區」的中英文標誌,試圖模仿溫布萊「香港館」的入口。沒有驚天動地的設計,但一目了然。
來到展覽第二部,同樣在二樓,但空間佈局跟A Nice Place To完全相反。港大圖書館的二樓中庭展覽廳屬天井位置,沒有固定出入口,只有一道電視牆,透過四條支柱區分出展覽位置。在沒有預算下(早已在第一部用盡),如何營造空間、如何引導觀眾觀賞「英京賽會」的故事、如何補充第一部的內容,並同時可以視為一次獨立展覽,都需要比第一部花更多心思。
The exhibition's Part 1 was held at A Nice Place To at Sai Ying Pun. Passing through the select shop on the ground floor and going up to the first floor is the venue - an exhibition space rectangular in shape. The architectural model of the Hong Kong Pavilion stood at the centre while other exhibits were displayed on the wall and window on both sides. Several video clips were played at the far end. The Chinese and English logos of the Hong Kong Section were found hanging at the beam at the front, which mimicked the entrance of the Hong Kong Pavilion at Wembley. Not an extraordinary design, but the story is clearly presented.
Part 2 takes place on the second floor too, where the spatial arrangement is completely different from A Nice Place To. The Exhibition Area, Ingenium at HKU Main Library is a lightwell with no
formal entrance or exit. In addition to a TV wall, the four columns there define the exhibition area. It is much more challenging to create spacing, to tell the story of the British Empire Exhibition, to supplement the story of Part 1, as well as to organise it like a standalone exhibition - especially when all budget has already been consumed during Part 1.